All-American Dairy Foundation
2021 Robert D. Heilman Youth Achievement Award
Regan Jackson
Regan Jackson of Boyce, Va., is the daughter Kevin and Laura Jackson of Boyce, Va. She has shown Jerseys at the All-American Dairy Show and participated in the showmanship contest. A member of the Clarke County FFA chapter and Clarke-Frederick 4-H Dairy Club she has competed on the local, state, and national level with her Jersey cattle.
Regan has also participated in dairy judging, dairy bowl, and dairy poster contests. Jackson competed on the Virginia 4-H Judging Team at the All-American Dairy Show in 2021. She also earned the Virginia FFA Star Award for Agricultural Placement. “Regan has truly dedicated much time and effort to the agriculture industry and in particular the dairy industry,” said Justin Burdette, who nominated her for this award. “Her quiet demeanor and quick smile always seem to draw younger kids to her … Regan can often be found helping a young 4’Her learn how to lead their heifer or wash their heifer properly.”
The foundation presented Jackson with a $100 check during the Jersey Show at the Premier National Junior Show.
Regan has also participated in dairy judging, dairy bowl, and dairy poster contests. Jackson competed on the Virginia 4-H Judging Team at the All-American Dairy Show in 2021. She also earned the Virginia FFA Star Award for Agricultural Placement. “Regan has truly dedicated much time and effort to the agriculture industry and in particular the dairy industry,” said Justin Burdette, who nominated her for this award. “Her quiet demeanor and quick smile always seem to draw younger kids to her … Regan can often be found helping a young 4’Her learn how to lead their heifer or wash their heifer properly.”
The foundation presented Jackson with a $100 check during the Jersey Show at the Premier National Junior Show.