All-American Dairy Foundation
2023 Arthur W. Nesbitt Award Winner
Katelyn Taylor
Katelyn Taylor of Allenwood, PA is the daughter of Brett & Laura Taylor. She owns 10 head of registered Holsteins, Jerseys, Red & Whites, Ayrshires, Milking Shorthorns, Brown Swiss and Guernseys that reside on her family's small dairy operation. She is currently enrolled at Penn State University majoring in Animal Science.
In her essay about managing a dairies profitability, she focused on a topic that many overlook, the value of working with good people. In the dairy industry, we often have to be master's of many areas and sometimes the best thing for a dairy operation is getting help in an area where the owner isn't an expert. Katelyn discussed the need for an outside financial advisor to give a fresh perspective on places where dairies can be more efficient and invest money from successful years to ease the difficulties of harder ones.
When asked to discuss her future career path, she hope to split her focus. Katelyn wants to find a career outside of their farm operation to provide financial stability while still helping grow her family's farm operation which includes dairy, beef and poultry wings. For her achievements, Katelyn receives a $1000 prize to further her education in agriculture.
In her essay about managing a dairies profitability, she focused on a topic that many overlook, the value of working with good people. In the dairy industry, we often have to be master's of many areas and sometimes the best thing for a dairy operation is getting help in an area where the owner isn't an expert. Katelyn discussed the need for an outside financial advisor to give a fresh perspective on places where dairies can be more efficient and invest money from successful years to ease the difficulties of harder ones.
When asked to discuss her future career path, she hope to split her focus. Katelyn wants to find a career outside of their farm operation to provide financial stability while still helping grow her family's farm operation which includes dairy, beef and poultry wings. For her achievements, Katelyn receives a $1000 prize to further her education in agriculture.